Sunday, November 13, 2011

Reflection for Instructional Design class (09/11/11)

It was the first time I encountered the topic which was taught today, 'Implementation Plan'. I didn't realise that a lesson plan required so many details. Implementation Plan was simple to understand and easy to include in a lesson plan. All my future lessons will certainly include this; there is no way I would be experiencing planning and teaching problems again. If, for some reason I am absent, another teacher would be able to teach my lessons with very little problems. Thanks to Instructional Design.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reflection for Instructional Design class (28/09/11)

I came to class without visiting our project on Google docs. The reasons being I was so busy with other assignments and personal matters. Anyhow I was not the only one; three (3) other members did the same. So we started Context Analysis and it was a lot of work. So while other class members were doing work on Context Analysis, our group was busy completing last week's work. This meant that we didn't do or understand much about Context Analysis. Knowing our group we would catch up. I need to understand Context Analysis quickly, because knowing the factors that affect my students is imperative to planning for them.

Reflection for Instructional Design class (02/11/11)

As was expected, most of the information given today on Evaluation Strategies was familar to me. This familiarity didn't cause me to become disenchanted because I knew I was reinforcing what I already knew. To my suprise I didn't realise that my evaluation questions must match my objects so closely. In some cases the same words can be used. Conformative evaluation was something new to me. So in the future, at the beggining of each new term, I must monitor my students product and performance from the previous term.  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reflection for Instructional Design class (19/10/11)

Our task was to write Instructional Strategies for each lesson composed. Even though I knew about Instructional Strategies, I was ignorant of the fact that it can be divided into Initial Presentation and Generative Strategy. Now I know that whatever content I am teaching (whether it's fact or concept or cognitive, psychomotive or affective), I must separate my stretegies into the two (2) categories afformentioned. I spent alot of time trying to understand Instructional Strategies and must say, my class lessons have already started to reflect this. Now Instructional Design has become simplier, and as a result I am sure I can write Instructional Strategies for all my lessons. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reflection for Instructional Design class (12/10/11)

Our group has almost reached to where we are supposed to be. The topic, 'Objectives,' which was taught today, was something I knew already. As a result of this, I was a little listless. However, the class proved to be fruitful because, as it turned out, I was ignorant of some of the critical things about objectives. These include the difference between an objective and an activity. So I ended the day pretty confident that I fully understood objectives and the different levels. I can safely say my lessons would have a different complexion now.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Reflection for Instructional Design class (05/10/11)

Our position from last week hadn't changed one bit. We came to class with our project untouched. However, we worked assiduously on the Content Analysis and completed most of the day's work. Content Analysis was something new to me but it was made so simple by miss that I understood almost immediately.  I decided to become group leader and assigned responsibility to each member so as to prevent the situation from repeating. On my first free time I completed my portion and went on to list all the headings from the Context Analysis. We planned to be on par with the class next Wednesday, hope we finally do. I know Content Analysis would go long way in helping me prepare for my classes.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Reflection for Instructional Design class (21/09/11)

All the doubts I had about the assignment was removed by miss quickly, so i was able to concentrate on the topic of the day, "The Analysis phase." It was the beginning of our assignment and it was very new to me. I didn't realise so many steps were necessary for planning a unit. Anyhow it was very simple and I understood. I am now beginning to understand the objectives of this course. To plan future lessons for my students I must gather alot of information about them, things I never taught about. I know for a fact this lesson will help me become a better teacher and understand my students well.

Reflection for Instructional Design class (14/09/11)

This was my first official day in class. One of my fears of last week was removed early when I was placed in a group of my choice. Immediately I had to start working because we were given an assignment to match an Instructional Design Theory to a given situation. I was lost at first, but eventually with the help of my group members I was soon back on track. At the end of the class an assignment was given and to be honest, I didn't understand anything about it. How am I going to contribute to this assignment? How is Instructional Design Theory going to help me in my teaching? These are questions I need to answer and answer quickly if I am to move forward in this course.

Reflection for Instructional Design class (07/09/11)

I was absent on this day due to the birth of my baby boy. However, when I received the info about accessing black board I became worried. Why? I have never accessed it before and the page looked so complicated. I was also worried about the group placings because I know when you're absent you automatically fall into the group no one wants to be in. Even more worrying was the fact that I was told we received an assignment the first day. So you can imagine the stress I was going through trying to deal with all this.